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Sounds of UBC: The Ridington Room |
Library Study Session ASMR Ambience (2021)
Genre: Ambience Video

To begin exploring the world of ambience videos, I decided to create a soundscape of The Ridington Room inside University of British Columbia's Music, Art and Architecture Library - one of my all-time favourite places on-campus. All sounds (both those in the background and those I generated myself) were recorded on-site, and all media was edited in Adobe Premiere Pro.


E-Cycle (2020)
Genre: Appropriation Art Piece

Alongside raising awareness of the many different social and environmental risks e-waste poses, E-Cycle challenges how devices are constructed and presented to consumers. The overall concept of the project was to capture and assess the automated Anthropocene we find ourselves currently living in. My role in the project included coming up with the initial concept and editing most of the video with Adobe Premiere Pro.


Sweet Dreams (2018)
Genre: Suspenseful Short Film

Sweet Dreams was made by me and four other teammates as our final project for FIPR233, a film production course at UBC. The film follows the story of Caden, a young man who longs for a solution to his challenges with having selective mutism. What appears to be a temporary coping mechanism, however, turns out to be disastrous for his entire community. Alongside coming up with the overall concept of the story, I further served as the scriptwriter, script supervisor and producer, and actress for the film.

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