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Bouquet of Light | A Series of 3 Original Classical Piano Songs

Artist Statement: Bouquet of Light is a series of three original classical piano songs that was released on Youtube on January 8, 2020 and was further published on April 3 in Beacon, UBC's Journal of Media Studies. Each represented by a different cover image that I edited myself, the three songs are respectively titled "Out of the Ordinary," "Flowers and Candles" and "Bouquet of Light." All pieces were created individually before I decided to combine them into a series. When considering them in juxtaposition, it became clear to me that they mapped a progression of how I have dealt with my own emotions over the past couple of years. Whereas “Out of the Ordinary” is evocative of escapism, “Flowers and Candles” revolves around releasing such emotions. Finally, “Bouquet of Light” constitutes an attempt to finally confront one’s emotions and engage in self-reflection.


To see the images in Beacon, click here.

Piano and Theory Credentials

​In 2011, I finished Grade 10 Piano with the Royal Conservatory of Music. Furthermore, I studied music theory both alongside and after this accomplishment, completing Levels 3 and 4 of Music History, as well Levels 3 and 4 of Harmony. Having gained the skills that come with learning an instrument (e.g. coordination, sight-reading, perserverance), I have since been able to apply them as I strive to produce songs that convey stories.

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